The two November birthstones are topaz (pink and orange stone) and citrine (yellow stone).
Those born in November have two beautiful birthstones to choose from: topaz and citrine. Topaz can be found in a rainbow of colors; citrine is known for its stunning yellow and orange hues. These two November birthday stones are known for their calming energies and their ability to bring wealth and warmth to the wearer. Most topaz and citrine birthstones are more affordable, as the finest quality of these two gemstones are not as rare as their counterparts. This means that those born in November have a wide range of options to choose from. The challenge you face is which one to choose.
Topaz Birthstone
Topaz Birthstone Meaning and History
Topaz comes in a variety of colors, including clear, light yellow, yellow, orange, pink, violet, brown, and very rarely red. Most of the blue topaz that can be seen today is a permanent effect of the processing of clear topaz using radiation and heat. The iridescent effect in "electroplated topaz" is achieved by coating clear topaz with an artificial film.
Some believe that "topaz" comes from the Sanskrit word tapas, which means "fire color". Others believe it can be traced back to the Greek word topazo, and the November birthstone has long been recognized as having many benefits. The ancient Greeks believed that topaz gave people strength. From the 14th to 17th centuries, Europeans believed it could break magical spells and dispel anger. For centuries, many people in India have believed that worn over the heart, topaz prolongs life and ensures beauty and wisdom.
The conspicuous slightly pinkish orange Imperial Topaz has a strong connection to the nobility. It is widely believed that the name derives from the Russian royal family's insistence that the most beautiful colors of this gemstone, produced in the Ural Mountains of Russia, be reserved exclusively for their use. Another explanation, popular in Brazil, dates back to 1881, when Emperor Pedro II visited Ouro Preto, the closest town to the country's largest topaz mine, and was presented with a red topaz by the people.
The blue topaz is the stone for the 4th wedding anniversary and the imperial topaz is the stone for the 23rd wedding anniversary.
This Pink Orange Imperial Topaz is one of the most popular November Birthday Stones.
This Pink Orange Imperial Topaz is one of the most popular November Birthday Stones.
Where does Topaz come from?
One of the most important sources of high quality topaz is the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, where it has been mined for over two centuries. The colors of the raw stone produced here include yellow to orange, red, pink, violet, and a mixture of red and orange or violet. The nearby town of Ouro Preto complements the valley perfectly. Magnificent colonial churches rise to the sky and quaint cobblestone streets crisscross the town in this UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Pakistan's northwestern region is known for its pink topaz. Ghundao Hill, near the small town of Katlang, has been mined since 1972. The precious pink topaz from Katlang has a hint of violet, a color that some in the industry refer to as cyclamen pink. But even at Ghundao Hill, high-quality pink November birthstones are rare.
Mountain view of Katlang, Pakistan.
Today, the major sources of this November Birthday Stone also include Namibia, Nigeria, Madagascar, Mexico, Burma, Sri Lanka and the United States, as well as the historic region of Russia.
Care and Cleaning of Topaz Birthday Stones
Topaz has a hardness of 8 on the Mohs scale, but it is not as tough as it should be, so it needs to be carefully cared for to avoid chipping or cracking. If you need to clean your November Birthday Stone Topaz, you should not use the steam cleaning method or ultrasonic cleaner. Warm soapy water is preferred. High temperatures or sudden changes in temperature can fracture the topaz internally. Birthstone colors are generally stable to light, but prolonged exposure to heat or sunlight may cause fading to yellow-brown topaz. Topaz may be mildly affected by certain chemicals.
Plated topaz has a coating that resists normal wear and tear, but abrasive cleaners or polishing wheels can damage the coating. Only mild soap solutions should be used to clean a topaz birthstone that has been treated in this way.
This is a selection of the many colors of topaz. From left to right: 9.21 carats of colorless topaz from Nigeria, 15.01 carats of light blue topaz from Brazil, 18.41 carats of purplish-pink topaz from Pakistan, and 12.54 carats of orange-red topaz from Brazil.
These are some of the many colors of topaz. From left to right: 9.21 carats of colorless topaz from Nigeria, 15.01 carats of light blue topaz from Brazil, 18.41 carats of purplish-pink topaz from Pakistan, and 12.54 carats of orange-red topaz from Brazil.
Citrine Birthstone
Citrine Birthstone Meaning and History
This November birthday stone is a clear yellow to brownish-orange variant of quartz that has been used in jewelry making for thousands of years. Citrine has been a popular gemstone since ancient times, and has a history of sharing a misunderstood identity with another November birthstone, topaz. As a result, citrine is believed to have the same energy as topaz. It is believed that the citrine birthstone can ease tempers and keep the wearer calm.
The ancient Greeks carved rock crystal jewelry that sparkled like permafrost. The Pope wore rings with huge purple amethysts, and there is a history of using citrine in Roman jewelry. It was especially common in colorful Scottish jewelry from the Victorian era. The English citrine is said to derive from the French word for lemon (citron), and is the stone for the thirteenth wedding anniversary.
Today, most citrines on the market are made with heat treatment. The citrine birthday stone is one of the most affordable and desirable yellow gemstones because it is readily available in a variety of sizes.
Phantom faceting releases the fire in this 43.49 carat citrine.
Where does citrine come from?
The best places to find this November birthstone are Bolivia, Spain, Madagascar, Mexico and Uruguay. Amethysts are often heat-treated to the color of citrine, and most of these amethysts come from Brazil.
Located in the deepest part of the world's largest freshwater wetland, Bolivia's Annecy Mine is an important source of natural citrine that has not been heat treated. Patches of wildflowers, brightly colored birds, colorful butterflies, roaring monkeys and jaguars are all actors on this huge stage. The history of this mine rivals that of its setting, having been discovered in the early 17th century by a Spanish conquistador, who gave it to him as a dowry when he married Princess Anahi of the Ayoreos tribe of Paraguay. The mine disappeared into obscurity for more than 300 years, only to be rediscovered in the 1960s.
Thousands of amethysts and citrines from the Annecy mine in Bolivia.
One particular crystal from the Annecy mine may contain both amethyst and citrine; if both colors are present in a molded stone, the stone is called amethyst. The color of citrine birthstones from the Annecy Mine is usually orange to tawny/greenish yellow.
Annecy mine crystals are faceted to yield citrine, amethyst and amethyst.
Care and Cleaning of Citrine Birthstone
Your Citrine Birthday Stone has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale and is tough enough to withstand normal wear and care. Cleaning your citrine with warm soapy water will not damage it. It is often possible to clean your November Birthday Stone with an ultrasonic machine, but the steam cleaning method can be risky as the heat can crack the citrine.
Orange citrine birthday stone ring.